Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Using Bank Debiture To Increase Your Wealth

Also referred to as a secured asset management program, this is an investment vehicle commonly used by the very wealthy where the principal investment is fully secured by a Bank Endorsed Guarantee.
The principal is managed and invested to give a guaranteed high return to the investor on a periodic basis. There is no risk of losing the investor's principal investment. This investment opportunity involves the purchase and sale of Bank Debentures within the International Market in a controlled trading program. The program allows for the investor to place his funds through an established Program Management firm working-directly with a major Trading Bank. The investment funds are secured by a Bank-Endorsed Guarantee by the Banking institution at the time the funds are deposited.
The Investor is designated a the Beneficiary of the Guarantee unless otherwise instructed by the Investor. The guarantee is issued to secure the Investor's principal for the contract period. This guarantee will be Bank Endorsed with the Bank Seal, two authorized senior Officers' signatures, and will guarantee that the funds will be on deposit in the Bank during the contract period and will be returned fully to the Investor at the end of the contract term. The Investor is also guaranteed by the program Directors, by contract that they will receive what is in effect a percentage of each trade made by the Trade Bank. This can be in the form of a guaranteed profit/yield paid on a periodic basis upon terms as set forth in the contract The Instrument to be transacted under the Buy/Sell Program is a fully negotiable Bank Instrument. Delivered unencumbered, free and clear of any and all liens, claims or restrictions. The Instrument are debt obligation of the Top One Hundred (100) World Banks in the form of Medium Term Bank Debentures of 10 years in length. usually offering 7 1/2% interest; or, "Standby Letters of Credit" of one year in length with no interest but at a discount from face value. These Bank Instrument conform in all respects with the Uniform Customs and practice for Documentary Credits as set forth by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, France (ICC) in the latest edition of the ICC Publication Number 400 (1983 Revision) and the newest implemented ICC Publication 500 (1995 Revision).
As stated, the Investment funds principal is fully secured by a BANK ENDORSED GUARANTEE (or, safekeeping receipt) which is issued by the Trading Bank at the time the funds are deposited. The Investor is designated as the Beneficiary of the Guarantee which is issued to secure the principal for the contract period and all elements of risk have been addressed. It must be stressed that, before an instrument is purchased, a contract is already in place for the resale of the Bank Debenture Instrument. Consequently, the Investors funds are never put at risk. The trust account will always contain either funds or Bank Instrument of equal or greater value. After each transaction period, the profits are distributed according to the agreement and the process repeats for the duration of the contract.
Operations will take place approximately forty (40) International Banking Weeks per year, with specific transactions taking place approximately one or more times per week depending on circumstances. Although there are 52 weeks in a year, there are only 40 international banking weeks during which transactions take place. An International Banking week is a full week which does not include an officially recognized holiday. However, this does not preclude that transactions may occur on short weeks that have a holiday.
Individual programs can quickly become filled and are then closed to further Investor participation.
By leasing assets, usually in the form of United Sates government Treasury Bills, for a fraction of their face value, the ability to purchase and subsequently resell bank instruments in large quantities is possible. This is the principal on which leveraged trading-programs revolve. The leased assets provide the collateral against which the instrument is purchased and resold, with the entire process taking only one or two days to accomplish. The large profits produced by trading programs is created by the difference between the purchase cost and resale price of the instrument. Even with a net profit of four per cent per transaction, the process of buying and selling can be performed several times each week, providing for profits which make the return on other investments pale by comparison. A four per cent profit produced just once weekly for forty weeks would total 160%. By leasing assets, the profit is generated on a much larger amount of instrument, greatly increasing the total dollar profit. For example, if a four percent profit were generated on $100 million, the net profit would be $4 million. Leasing assets typically requires the payment of three percent of the face amount per month, in advance: to lease $100 million in assets would require the payment of $3 million. However, by using the leased assets, profits can be generated on $100 million worth of instruments ($4 million), not just $3 million ($120,000). Even if just one transaction occurred during the month, the profit created would exceed the cost of leasing the assets.

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